Received: 2024-07-10

Section: Calyptrochilus

Light: 12000-25000 lux / 1100-2300 foot candles

Temperature: The average day temperature during the whole year is 27-28 ℃, night 15-18 ℃

Humidity: From summer to autumn, needs an average humidity of 70-75%, which drops to 65-70% in winter and spring. These plants require a strong air movement

Watering: In nature, most of the year the precipitation is moderate to abundant, but during the three winter months it is drier. In culture, the substrate must be permanently moist, but not wet. It is very useful to periodically spray the plant in the mornings, especially in clear weather

Fertilising: It is recommended to weekly or every two weeks use 1/4-1/2 dose of fertiliser for orchids. It is beneficial to use a balanced fertiliser throughout the year

Rest period: A slightly more dry resting period is necessary to induce flowering, and reducing the amount of water and fertiliser after reaching maturity through shoots helps flowering. The amount of water and fertiliser should be slightly reduced, especially Dendrobium lawesii grown in the conditions of a dark, short day at moderate latitudes. The plants should be dried, but it should not be allowed to stay dry for too long. Fertilisation should be reduced or eliminated until spring, when more watering resumes

Blooming: It has a very short (less than 5cm) raceme that arises from the old and new leafless canes with from 1 to 6, pendant, showy, highly variable, floral scented flowers that occur at any time of the year