Code: PLMTHS.0x0000 (2010-03-26)
Common Name: The Long-Sepaled Plectrelminthus
Scented: yes
Light Requirements: full sun
Temperature Requirements: intermediate to hot
Blooms: late winter and spring
Flower Size: 7.5cm
Synonyms: Angorchis caudata (Lindl.) Kuntze; *Angraecum caudatum Lindl. 1836; Leptocentrum caudatum (Lindl.) Schltr. 1914; Listrostachys caudata (Lindl.) Rchb. f. 1864; Plectrominthus bicolor Raf. 1836; Plectrelminthus caudatus var. trilobatus Szlach. & Olszewski 2001
Widespread through West Africa where it is a small to medium sized, warm to hot growing, monopodial epiphyte found low on large trees and branches most often in full sun that has a leafy stem to 15cm long carrying several, distichous, close set, broadly strap shaped, unequally and obtusely bilobed apically leaves a arcuate, 60cm long, several flowered raceme of upside down (non-resupinate), scented blooms that occur in the late winter and spring. They can be grown in the same manner as Vanda, with a basket, high light and humidity.