Common Name: Aphrodite's Phalaenopsis
Scent: no
Light Requirements: deep shade
Temperature Requirements: intermediate to hot
Blooms: winter to spring
Flower Size: 7.5cm or less
Synonyms: Phalaenopsis amabilis Lindl. 1838; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var ambigua [Rchb.f] Burb 1882; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var aphrodite [Rchb.f] Ames 1908; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var aphrodite subvar erubescens [Burb] Ames 1908; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var dayana' Hort ex Warn 1881; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var erubescens [Burb] Burb 1882; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var formosana Shim 1921; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var longifolia Don 1845; Phalaenopsis amabilis [L. & Rchb.f] Blume var rotundifolia Don 1845; Phalaenopsis ambigua Rchb.f 1862; Phalaenopsis aphrodite var dayana Veitch 1891; Phalaenopsis babuyana Miwa 1941; Phalaenopsis erubescens Burb 1876; Phalaenopsis formosa, formosana, or formosum 1941
Occurring from Taiwan to the Philippines in primary and secondary forests at elevations of 0-1000 feet. It closely resembles Phalaenopsis amabilis but differs in the red lip disc, the triangular mid lobe and it's smaller flowers of about 7.5cm instead of the 10cm flowers of Phalaenopsis amabilis. The flowering season is from winter to spring on a lateral, 90cm long, racemose or paniculate many flowered inflorescence with small bracts and likes it with shady, humid conditions.