Common Name: The Beautiful Net-Patterned Leaf Lepanthes
Scented: no
Light Requirements: deep shade
Temperature Requirements: hot to intermediate
Blooms: winter, spring, summer, autumn
Flower Size: 8mm
Found in western Colombia and Ecuador in wet montane forests as a miniature-sized, warm to hot growing epiphyte at elevations of 450 to 1500 meters that has clustered erect ramicauls enveloped by 2 to 3, obconical, acute, ciliate lepanthiform sheaths and carrying a densely patterned, satiny, pendant, broadly ovate top, subcircular, obtuse or shortly apiculate leaf that is lime to emerald green and red in color with a congested, fasiculate, subsecund, shorter than the leaves, one to several flowered inflorescence that can occur at any time of the year with very small flowers that open singly in succession and needs high humidity, constant watering and fertilizer.