Code: E.0x0000
Common Name: Winged Encyclia
Scented: yes, honey-sweet smelling
Light Requirements: partial sun
Temperature Requirements: intermediate to hot
Blooms: spring through autumn
Flower Size: 5cm to 6.25cm
Synonyms: *Epidendrum alatum Bateman 1840; Epidendrum alatum var. grandiflorum Regel 1856; Epidendrum alatum var. longipetalum (Lindl. & Paxton) Regel 1856; Epidendrum alatum var majus Hort. ex Sanders 1927; Epidendrum calochielum Hkr. 1841; Epidendrum formosum Klotsch 1853; Epidendrum formosum var. grandiflorum Regel; Epidendrum longipetalum Lindley & Paxton 1850-1
This medium to large sized, hot to warm growing species is found from Mexico through Costa Rica occurring at altitudes of 0m to 1000m, epiphytically on trees in open forests and occasionally terrestrially in soil pockets. They have ovoid-conical to pyriform pseudobulbs carrying 1 to 3 apical, linear-lanceolate, acute, tough leaves that are often tinged with purple. There can be diverse differences in flower morphology in this species most often in size and the shape of the lateral sides of the lip. It has a honey-sweet smelling fragrance and they bloom in the spring through autumn on an apical, to 150cm long, arching, branched inflorescence with many, variable in color and shape flowers.