Received: 2024-08-01

Section: Dendrobium

Light: 21000 - 38000 lux; 2000 - 3500 foot candles

Temperature: Cold to hot. High's can be as much as 38℃; during autumn and winter months day temperatures can be below 0℃ but plants should stay on the drier side during cold periods. It is critical that plants be exposed to temps as low as 10℃ or lower for at least a couple of weeks in order to bloom well in the spring. Without a cold period, plants will grow well but produce fewer flowers.

Humidity:  ???

Watering: Ample water and fertiliser in spring and summer while the plants are in active growth and in flower, reducing quantities during cooler winter days. To maximise flowering, give plants a drier season in winter by allowing them to dry completely between waterings. Plants that are watered well through winter tend to produce keikis rather than flowers in spring.

Rest period:  ???

Blooming: Primarily in late winter or early spring and sometimes again in late summer. Each inflorescence has one or two flowers and may have several inflorescences per cane

Notes: Temperatures down in the 50's (10℃) in winter will ensure good growth and blooming in the next season

Full plant (2024-08-13)
Close-up of new cane (2024-08-13)
Bud(s)? Keiki? (2024-08-13)