Common Name: The Fringed-Lipped Orchid With An Oval Eye
Scented: yes, sour-smelling
Light Requirements: partial sun
Temperature Requirements: cool to hot
Blooms: spring
Flower Size: 8.75cm
Synonyms: Callista oculata (Hook.) Kuntze 1891; Dendrobium occultum Ames 1933
This species is from Hainan and South-East China, western Himalayas, Bangladesh, eastern Himalayas, Assam, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos and Vietnam in humid, mossy mixed and coniferous forests at elevations of 200m 2400m and is a large-sized, cool to hot growing epiphyte, lithophyte or terrestrial with long, erect, arching or pendulous, light-yellow green when aged, to 120cm long, stems that are thickest in the middle and have many oblong, to lanceolate, acute or acuminate deciduous leaves that flowers in spring but can bloom at most any time on a pendant, axillary, many [8 to 15] flowered 20cm long pendulous inflorescence that arises from the nodes near the apex of leafless and mature canes and has sour-smelling flowers and watering should be heaviest in the summer but they need some water even during their winter rest. They have a pendant growth habit so they are best mounted on a slab of tree fern or cork.