Common Name: The Eastern Bulbophyllum
Scented: no
Light Requirements: partial shade
Temperature Requirements: cool to hot
Blooms: late spring, summer
Flower Size: 1cm
Found in Southern Yunnan China, Thailand and Vietnam in evergreen primary montane forests and in semi-deciduous and deciduous dry lowland forests and savana-like woodlands as a small sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte occurring at elevations of 500 mteres to 2300 metres with thick rhizome and closely spaced, conical to ovoid, pseudobulbs carrying a single, coriaceous to subfleshy, oblong, petiolate leaf that flowers in the late spring and summer in nature on a basal, arcuate, 4cm to 13cm long, densely many flowered inflorescence enveloped by basal sheaths and having many small flowers held below the leaf.